Sheetal Prajapati performing an interactive artwork, Closer, 2016. Photo: Beatriz Meseguer.

Currently, Lohar Projects is welcoming proposals and conversations for new projects in 2025.

Any potential project or advising service begins with a free consultation call to determine your goals and needs.  Lohar Projects’ practice is as much experience-based as it is research-based. We aim to find the right solutions (and people) for your specific needs. You can find a list of my services below.

Email me at to set up a call!

Organizational Development & Strategic Planning 

Lohar Projects offers small and mid-sized cultural organizations strategic consulting services during growth or transition periods including expansion, reorganization or other institutional changes.  We work with leadership, staff, and key constituents to facilitate and develop a sustainable path forward that can include board and staff development, strategic planning or change work. 

Interim Leadership Services

Principal Sheetal Prajapati offers small and mid-sized cultural organizations interim leadership services during transition periods including leadership change, significant growth, or other kinds of organizational shifts. 

Transition & Change Mediation 

Principal Sheetal Prajapati offers small and mid-sized cultural organizations mediation and resolution-based process services to support various constiuents coming together towards shared goals. 

Visioning: Facilitation and Planning 

We offer online and onsite facilitation services for think tanks, planning sessions, and any type of goal-oriented gatherings. From board members and artists to your audience, we can work with you to develop and lead gatherings for making change, new programs, strategic planning, or visioning.  

Research & Evaluation 

Lohar Projects offers research and evaluation services to develop, assess, or transition project-based work at your organization.  Our team will work with you to develop an evaluation approach to meet your goals and conduct research to help your organization better understand its project goals. 

Leadership Development  

Lohar Projects works with boards and executive leadership to provide strategic advising services for internal restructuring, transition, or growth within the leadership team. 

One-on-One Advising and Mentoring

Principal Sheetal Prajapati offers one-on-one consulting services for emerging and mid-career artists and art professionals for career and creative development.  These services can also include portfolio/resume/content & application review as part of our work together. 

Professional Development: Seminars and Advising

Principal Sheetal Prajapati offers small group seminars for artists and professionals in the field. These seminars were developed by Lohar Projects and presented for artists and professionals at places like Creative Capital, Kresge Art in Detroit, Joan Mitchell Foundation, Print Center New York, Santa Fe Community Foundation and other artist-centered initiatives. She can also work with your organizatios to develop new seminars and programs that speak to the specific needs of their constituents. 

Seminar offerings have included: 

(coming October 2024)
This session provides arts professionals overseeing or managing Human Resources to develop approaches and policies that center people and their needs to thrive at an organization. 

Mapping Your Practice
This 90 to 120-minute workshop guides artists through defining goals for their work through taking a holistic approach to planning, and situating their artistic careers as part of their larger work to sustain a life practice.  The workshop focuses on three main areas: Reflection, Goal Setting, and Planning. Each part of the workshop will help artists map a path towards their own goals. 

Building Agency for BIPOC Practitioners in the Field
This 90-minute session is aimed at helping artists and art workers who identify as BIPOC to build tools for moving through their work in sustainable and healthy ways.  

Some Budget Basics: Valuation and Project Budgeting
This 60-minute session provides artists and art workers who are largely employed as contractors and freelance workers with a rubric to determine their pay rates for their projects and work. You’ll learn some basics about putting together a project budget for your upcoming projects or programs. 

Writing For Opportunity: Resumes and CVs 
This 60 to 90-minute seminar provides arts professionals and artists with an overview of how to construct and improve their professional resume or CV. 

Writing your Artist Statement/Teaching Statement 
This 90-minute seminar provides artists with structure for composing or improving on their current artist or teaching statements

Seminars are recommended for groups no larger than 10. Sessions include reflection, writing and group exercises.